Sunday, January 22, 2012

Netaji - Ten Truth seeking Questions to the present dysfunctional Government of India

Netaji on a voyage during WWII

The saga of Netaji continues - his biography is read bymillions Indian households as a part of children's awakening of patriotism.Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose - His Majesty's Opponent- the Indian Freedom Fighterwho fought the colonial rules tooth and nail, Gandhiji's Patriot of patriots.Netaji's life's abrupt end shrouded with dubious plane crash and Govt ofIndia's setting up of three Enquiry Commissions still not able to resolve themystery. Rather, the Truth seekers and researchers on Netaji are increasinglygetting a sixth sense feeling that a distinct quarter in the corridor ofcentral power since the Nehru days are desperate to hide certain very seriousfacts from the people of this country.
The feeling and belief that has grown stronger with eachpassing year since 1945 is that World War Allied forces’ governments and theGovernment of India( even after change of guards) has continued to act andbehave consistently in a surprised uniformity of attitude despite the change ofguard at the centre – a government of the own people has behaved so strangelyover the years and left a lot of foot prints to make a man of commonintelligence wonder – what has gone wrong with these rulers at the centralcorridor of power ?

Why people of India has to take selective pain-stakingindividual pursuits in foreign archives of Russia, seek information through alegal process in American  secret files, and the Government of Indiasnores and look the other way!

What has gone wrong with these rulers at the centralcorridor of power? While the Supreme Court Judge appointed by NDA though onlyon the basis of one High Court directive and the judge concludes withpainstaking facts that Netaji never did die in an air crash. And as people see,this ruling class of UPA whose central party is Indian national Congress, hasagain played the bad man through the rule of law. All the loop holes of law UPAwould exploit to ensure that Netaji era is blacked out and no new facts areestablished. As law says, report of no Commission is binding but is of advisorycapacity. So, what has gone wrong with these rulers at the central corridor ofpower? Noting has gone wrong. They have stuck to their party’s dictates as keptand carried through lips since Nehru.
This is the saddest part of Indian modern history ofpolitical science. People and the government are poles apart – Government hasbeen trying to hoodwink the people. But in a era of  blogs, net and borderless societies, news and information spread so fast and truth are conveyed in amatter of click and this blog - net -email is now the crusader not only againstthe anti-people government but against the media of PAID NEWS.

I was surprised and happy to see the warmth of love and thedesire in the people’s heart across all corners of India to give a properburial of doubt about the Netaji saga – its last question mark “1897 - ? “

Now contrast this to a large media ruled and reigned by thecorrupt political class – without naming them, I can assure that the firstseeds of divide in a country are sown by the media – they would explain eachissue related to Netaji with a prefix adjective “Bengali” and the infectionspreads. When two doyens of Indiadied in quick succession this year leaving behind lacs of  fans andadmirers across Indiaand world in a spell of shock, the media reported the first breaking news storyas ….”Assaam’s Bhupen Hazarika  

What has gone wrong with these rulers and their acting handsof power – some visible some invisible? I have a small ten point list. I, as acitizen of India,needs the answer from the current ruling power – the same power that have hadscuttled each and every effort of Netaji and his legend Azad Hind Fauji from living a life of respect and recognition.

My Ten Questions to Government of India on the auspiciousoccasion of Netaji’s birth anniversary falling on 23rd January
1.      What happened with the INA Treasures and its declassifiedcontents during Nehru era?
2.      Why Nehru felt the need to inform British Premier Atleeabout Netaji’s presence in Russia– under what understanding and agreement, Govt of India informed?
3.      Why Pranab Mukherji, Central Minister of UPA-I had visitedNetaji’s wife abroad in 2008 asking her to accept the ashes of Netaji kept atRamoji Temple, Japan while now it is confirmed to Government as per JusticeMukerjee Commission report and other foreign declassified reports and reports,reflections of various witnesses and a few path breaking research abroad thatthe ashes at ramoji temple was not of Netaji and was fake, Will Government ofIndia make official announcement rectifying its record on the basis of truthrevealed and show its respect and honour to son of the soil ?
4.      Why Nehru’s and Government of India’s relation suddenlyclimaxed from 1953 onwards after change of guards in Russia. Was there a secret swapdeal with Krushchev involving Netaji, since Russian archive records hints aboutNetaji alive in Russiain 1953.
5.      The first commission formed by Govt of India to quellpeople’s unrelenting demand inside parliament and outside led to Nehru announcinga Commission of Enquiry. Why this report was accepted by GoI despite the reportwas not signed by one of the commission member who did not agree to the contentof the report. Why a report was accepted without visit and enquiry to the crashsite by commission members? The excuse of not having diplomatic contact withTaiwan, how long the GoI would continue to site the same argument as now, whena new commission has visited and cross examined the witnesses, the skeletons oflie has fallen from the cupboard. Will GoI consider findings of all the threecommissions together and make its stand clear before people of this countrywhose emotions and anxieties they are deemed to represent?
6.       On a plain reading of all the commissions efforts, whyit gives a crystal clear signal that those sitting in central government didnot offer the fullest cooperation and at many critical junctures createdobstacles for further evidence gathering
7.      Why Russian Research Scholar Purabi Roy who went on her ownand accessed Russian archives and Russian connections and was able to open upsome ground breaking clues had to return empty handed with sudden cold stand ofRussian government to part with the documents – was it at the behest ofGovernment of India,  as is believed in the wide circle of truth seekers?
8.      Why Government of India has consistently played the spoilsport as far as collecting the memorial items for the golden trails of INA,just to site a few –  the recent harassment of a INA fauj waiting to handover two revolvers used by Netaji in Singapore
9.       While INA soldiers were court marshalled at Red Fortin 1946 and INC non-violent followers including Nehru  fought and ensuredfor their unconditional release, but there are continued harassment of INAmembers for support in rehabilitation, in getting pension, in gettingrecognition and in getting admitted into armed forces of free India – why thisdiscrimination and apathy against INA soldiers ?  
10. , While a groupof Netaji truth seekers including Anuj Dhar, ex-journalist of reputed newsmedia filed a request to CIC under RTI and wanted to bring all classified filesand records related to Netaji  be declassified and brought to theknowledge of people of this country, why GoI refused to deliver on the pretextthat disclosure would lead to riots in some states – an utter lie. When wouldthe GoI come out clean on classified documents?

We , the truth seekers would waitfor ages  till we reach to the black  hole that sucking  thelight off all facts and figures and events related to one of the untaintedpurest of the pure soul Indians are proud of - the patriot of patriot, asGandhiji called him and Deshnayak  as Tagore gave him the ornamentaltitle.  

Some may ask, what the hake of it,to do spends people's many to just find a dead corpse's expiry date. The otherday I found a sad image hosted by a careerist professional - the images ofNetaji, Bhagat Singh, Shivaji, Rana Pratap, Kirti Azad;
and asking his friends Who are they?
Another Indian pro gave a painfullylewd comment - all wud luv Shivaji be born in neighbour's home.
The third fb friend joined - mychildren wud know only about SRK, Katrina, Karena or Salman!

This above live discussion is justindicative of the decay and rot set into the educated class of  Indiansociety. They have become greedy, hedonist and expert in palm greasing.Sacrifice for nation is a foreign word of unknown variety.The political andsocial agents who governed for sixty five years and shaped the society cannotnow shirk responsibility by pointing fingers at other short lived governments.But my worry is, a country who teaches its children wrong history and fail tohonour its freedom fighter getting the rightful place in history, is going todoom. A nation that do not honour its heroes dies.That is inevitable unless thepeople make a course correction through ballot.Indian people'sdilemma  is to remove a thief and replace with a superior and morecruel and more religiously fanatic thief? But let the alarm bells ring!!Jai Hind!

Source :

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year 2012

A freshly baked year on your dish,
Add a few spoons of your wish,
Scoop of joy in a bowl of peace,
Piece of smile the desert on your dish
Happy 2012.

( composed by teen Siddharth Maitra)

His other creative link

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bharat Ratna in Sports

A new controversy is breeding in India with Goverment of India amending the rules to broaden the scope of eligibility to include sports.

                                                          Dhyan Chand in prime time
                                                         Sachin: The bat doing the talk
                                                               Kapil Dev - icon of new India of "nothing is impossible"
                                                            Kapil - song with the bat
                                                        Vishwanathan - silence and poise of cerebral New India

In my opinion,Bharat Ratna is deserved by any soul that makes
1.Contribution to a specific field and thereby enhances the image of the nation
2.contribution to the field and thereby enhances the image of the field and make that field move faster ahead because of him
3.Significant welfare of society through his/her actions

Art, Entertainment and Sports vis-a-vis Social Reformers-Socialist Writers-Science Researchers have a weak case as per point no 3.

But if we define social welfare to include the cheapest free entertainment for the masses and to bring happiness and cheers to the poorest of the poor homes - then definitely Sports and Movies play a big part in cheap entertainment if not free. Added to that, international sports and its icon play a big role in keeping alive the idea of India - one nation united people, holding nation above the regional narrow mindedness.

On all these scores, loving Sachin has no rival despite all or any of issues like Ferrari or unauthorised gym at new house etc. On all critical times like North Indian Hatao by Raj et cetera Sachin has shown enough maturity to hold the nationalistic flag high and has explained through actions his preference for holding One India image on a very high pedestal.And Sachin is the modern era Arjun re-incarnation, an example for kids to shape their goals in life. He knows only cricket. When Sachin ,in form, plays - The world stands up to take notice and revers. Here is a soul that loves cricket, enjoys cricket, breathes cricket.

Further, popularity of Cricket vis-a-vis Hockey, Chess, Shooting and its icon's influence on the society especially youth, make Sachin the better choice. But. There is a BUT.

One sports icon whose influence and passion in similar field can far outweigh Sachin's contribution is none other than loving Kapil.

I wish to rap up on Cricket without undermining Sachin or his contribution . The difference between Sachin and kapil as an impact on cricket and the mass. Kapil's devils gifted the nation its first ever world cup with exemplary captain's knocks and by leading from the front, whereas Sachin did not bring any world cup despite the longest tenured cricketer of BCCI, rather his colleagues satisfied his dream by their great performances and dedicated their performances to Sachin, the idol. That's the difference for which I would suggest that the nation needs to recognise the real killer instinct of sports that's Kapil Dev.

Now, coming down to compare Cricket with other sports personalities. If GoI wish to honour Sachin or Kapil, then the country would do a great dishonour to itself by not honouring Dhyan Chand, the legendary Hockey wizard. The first Bharat ratna in Sports field should always be belong to Dhyan Chand.. In the times of Dhyan Chand media was not so much active, but Dhyan Chand's sports folklore were carried through orally even today. I have had the honour to know from my long lost grand dad in my child hood days how Dhyan Chad roared on the field, mauled opponents single handedly and brought innumerable laurels to India in Olympics and other games, long before India became independent. Youth in that golden era got as much inspired by Dhyan Chand's stick wizardry as current era youth with Sachin's bat or Kapil's devilish wizardry.  Hockey took its right place as the national sports of independent India, outwitting formidable cricket, soccer, wrestling and archery. Dhyan Chand symbolises the golden era of Indian Hockey.

Again, if we look at scope for eligibility from a slightly different perspective, where upholding nation's intellectual image in the competitive world is the key to India Emerge concept, who can be a better ambassador than the undying Vishwanathan Anand, reigning the world space and bringing right dignity to cerebral content of India for decades through the medium of sports. And bye the way, Anand is the longest world champion in sports category, without any smallest taint to his public profile.

If untainted public profile is the criteria then Dhyan Chand and Vishwanath Anand are far ahead. Both have dedicated life to the sports but none were into any kind of controversy concerning brand and sponsorship, though fortunately or otherwise, during Dhyan Chand era there was hardly any sports branding by the corporate.

Thanking you Churumuri for a timely theme.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

HMT is what HMT is not

In the beginning of my career i have often been referred to by men at work with me (in ad agencies), behind me as HMT . HMT is small town Hindi Medium Type boy - a vernacular boy often pointed out as a Verni in Bombay jargon.Source - Indian Express Interview of Poet, Lyricist,Ad Guru, and the Thinking Man of Bollywood - Prashun Joshi

Poety is not about words, its about an eye.

Poetry is not about words, its about an eye.

A confused mind is most fertile state of mind.

A confused mind is most fertile state of mind. i think if you are too focused, i don't think you have whole life has come out of it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Netaji - latest news - birth anniversary to be observed as Deshprem Divas by Forward Block

  • Old Quote :Gandhiji referred to Netaji as "Patriot of Patriots" while Netaji was away in foreign land to weed out Britishers .

Nation must accept Netaji

Other Articles and bloglinks of the author

Teen Artist Siddharth’s foray into fantasy world

Days of Bad News, Sad News, Terrible News are over. Youwill be set to read only Good News, Great News
There are Thousands of Quotes, BUT only SOME TO REMEMBER
Ahmedabadi Hotchpotch :A creative blog on fiction,non-fiction, poems, essays, short stories

This blog caters to any piece of  news, images of Bengal under Socio FinancialStudy

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SILNECE PLEASE. In a world where pens and mousse do thetalking, while the talkers sit back. The Sketches, drawings of life.

Important article on Netaji 
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