Even if thousand people die, due to enemy plot to disstabilise neigbors, should we get divided from within? A big no. The provocation is clear - to break Indian economy and create civil wars. Who want wars? We civilians don't like a bit of scream. In this timeless motion of life, we want peace and happiness. But at the other end of the tunnel, there are people who get peace out of the kill!!! The arms-drugs-underworld people thrive on this atmosphere.The country's politician and bureacracy that thrive on cut moneys through escalated defence budgets. But the poeple who have to struggle for a decent living, using common transport, using common space on earth are scared everywhere. They have no choice!!! Bill Gates and Mittals can travel in chartered crafts, so are the ruling politicans. Who will talk for the common men and women taking a ride on Mumbai local trains. Who will look after the secuirty of public transport? Will India in the coming decade shall become a country with large population suffering from all kinds of psychic disorders?