Monday, September 20, 2010


As the Indian delegation land in Kashmir's hot bed to find a solution, here I offer a link from Times of India web-link on the current issues boiling Kashmir and India today. It is apparent from the reading of the views, that whatever may be the instigations or compulsions for each group, the matching of wave lenth for the two group of people is an uphill task. No one group is in a mode to see and to act looking the situation from the other group's perspective.

  • Is this the same uncommon wave length, the same absence of love and affection for each other's community that led to division of India and now the water is boiling for Kashmir as one unable to see through the other's eyes?

  • Is it on one hand in-compatibility of co-existence and unsuitability of Islam to stay as a minority community with minority religion under the Hindu-majority Indian society that is creating this decades old void?

  • Is the resentment against Muslim sultanate who ruled large tracks of Indian sub-continent for many centuries, are so deep-seated in the psyche of the Hindu population that the truth about Islamic oppression turned into folklore of torture and of forceful conversion which is alive in vivid details in the active memory of Indian Hindu populations.

  • Is it the Hindu majority's conscious segregation of society in terms of upper caste, low caste and the untouchible - the injury inflicted socially in social gatherings for many thousand years that is standing between compatibility between these two groups?

  • Or is the picture gets much gloomier with the conflict and insult associated with practising of food habits - while Hindus in the region surrounding Kashmir are vegetarians who do not break bread with meat eaters on the same table and humiliate the non-veggys ?

  • Is it the right time for Indians to self introspect and find out whether is it the Kashmiri Muslims who cannot see the big picture or is it the Indian leadership who are bound by the chain called Nehru legacy on Kashmir?

  • Can we Indians focus through the magnifying glass of Kashmir and found out why India is still not made of Indians but fragmented by regionalism and by religion and get united with nationalistic flavour only when India play as a country in international sports?

  • Why Biharis and UPans get beaten up in Marathawad and those law breakers are treated by local law agents with soft corner and respect?
The above sites some of the burning issues storming the mind of Indians

VIEW represent an Indian residing outside Kashmir and of the minority Kashmiri Hindu-Sikh and the Pandits who were targeted by Islamic terror groups on support from neighbouring country to go ahead with minority clensing.

Reader's View is followed by another reader's COUNTER VIEW. This later view is nurtured by a section of Musolman Kashmiris today.

VIEW (alias Indian citizen and Kashmiri miniority view)

why did the Kashmiris not amalgamate, like the rest of us into a newly freed,
democratic nation? Ans.: The Hindu Kashmiris did! Why did the musalman Kashmiri
not accept Indianhood? After all, it was the only muslim majority state in the
new Indian union! Did it have something to do with community? faith? The ans.
is "Yes"! Why is Kashmir such a unicommunal state today? Where are
all the "Indians"? Have they been banished to other parts by
anti-nationals & ethenic cleansers? The Ans.: Yes! Was the Indian state
remiss in it's bounden duty to protect it's "Hindu"/Sikh law-abiding,
nationalist, patriotic Kashmiri citizenry? The Ans.: Yes! Was the Indian state
always illtreating the Kashmiris! The Ans. has to be no! Infact, the Indian
state actually overreached itself, beyond it's means & at a cost to other
backward regions in need of attention, to somehow try to amalgamate the
Kashmiris; this is borne out by it's not so turbulent post-independence past.
Then what has caused the present crises keeping in mind that it was manageable
before the Pakies, across the border, decided to "avenge" Bangladesh!
The fact that the muslim youth there were willing for anti-national recruitment&activities.
Is the "AFSPA" responsible for this alienation! That's the absurdest
ever question! The Ans. is an unequivocal, NO! Infact the Army has held
together a very strategic Kashmir region for India. Now the question of the greatest
importance! Does Kashmir belong only to the stone-pelters & the
anti-national goons, gangs & cessionists? NO! Can we afford another
partition? Ans.:NO! If that happens, we may as well say goodbye to the Idea of
India! At what cost shall we defeat this rouge plan,then? Ans.: ANY! Even at
the cost of the Kashmiri MBA's with open shirts? Ans.: YES! Untill they give

COUNTER VIEW (alias Kashmiri Musolman's View).

I am a Kashmiri aged
27yrs. I sweare By Almighty Allah.., I am Yet to see a Kashmiri Who is an
Even by giving Thousands of crores of rupees to kashmir...
nothing has changed, even by partcipating in recent elections... nothing has
changed,even if AFSPA will be removed nothing will change..,
India has killed more than 1 lac kashmiri people.. still nothing has
Thousands of our brothers has been disappered. still nothing
has changed.., Number less women raped by your forces .. still nothing has
Now My Indian brothers Change will inshallah come soon..,
"GO INDIA GO BACK " Is the writting on the wall
the sooner India
realises this the better..,
The fact of the matter is that Inida has lost kashmir.. by
the way kashmir was never a part of india..,

india has forcefully occupying our land.. but Inshallah will never
occupy our hearts.., We want FREEDOM from India.., And that is the bottom
Here is a rediff link offering a dfferent version of the stone pelting story as stated by Rediff News Bureau below :
Stone pelting in Kashmir valley appears to be fast turning into a lucrative 'business' for some unemployed youths offering this 'service' for a price.

Several youths are also operating 'stone pelting' cartels funded by separatist organisations and some political parties, sources say, adding that business worth lakhs of rupees is usually generated through this activity.

Details in this regard came out during extensive interrogation of a stone pelter arrested by the Jammu and Kashmir police over a period of last three days.

Separatist groups, especially those owing allegiance to Pakistan-terror outfit Hizbul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Tayiba, are alleged to have formed several groups comprising a minimum of dozen people, sources in the interrogation team said.

As Indian citizen and also as global citizen of border less society of net, join and express your valueble opinion at Times of India, Rediff, Indianexpress et centra
and we sincerely believe in the good intent of Govt of India in finding ways to mete out just and balanced solutions to have a more cohesive Indian identity - an Indian who will stand up in remote future with pride at any corner irrespectivre of class, religion, language knowing and believing that the law of the Indian land would protect a genuine Indian citizen. Here we are talking about not only changing perception about Kashmir but changing perception about the Indian on the steet interacting with the society - whether in his own home state or away.
Please watch this space for views and counter views coming shortly

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